The 2019 Nuclear Analytical Techniques (NAT) Summer School will be held at the UC Davis in Davis, CA from August 12th to August 17th. We look forward to seeing you at UC Davis. The school will start at 8:30 am on August 12th in the Physics Building Room 185. The school will end on August 17th late afternoon. Please make travel arrangements.
Topic: Nuclear Analytical Techniques (NAT)
The program will consist of some lectures, but mostly hands-on activities involving nuclear analytical techniques. Students will perform Neutron Activation Analysis using the McClellan Nuclear Research Center, study proton elastic scattering at the Crocker cyclotron facility, gain experience and skills in counting with NaI and HPGe crystals, and learn about detectors and analysis techniques important across a broad range of science and industry. Note: This is an introductory course.
There is no registration fee to pay, but you or your institute will be liable for your expenses (travel to and from Davis, accommodation, and meals). For those interested, we will arrange on-campus housing. A limited number of fellowships (provided via NSSC) will be awarded to cover the cost of housing. Please indicate in your application if you are applying for the housing support.
A grant from the National Science Foundation will be used to encourage participation of undergraduate (or first-year graduate) students from underrepresented groups. Please indicate if you are applying for the URM support.
The summer school is open to graduate students and upper-level undergraduates. Interested graduate students should be enrolled in physics, nuclear chemistry, or nuclear engineering program. Undergraduate applicants should have at least one course in quantum mechanics, differential equations, and modern physics. The participation is limited to 16 participants.
Applications to attend the School should include:
1. a completed APPLICATION FORM at this link:https://forms.gle/xLVQqrSPqmGVS8DB6
2. a completed upload of ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT (unofficial transcripts are accepted) at this link:https://www.dropbox.com/request/4NnHYC7PgjKS187XEJ5L
CLOSED The deadline for receiving the application is June 15th, 2019.
Local team
Profs: Bob Svoboda, Mani Tripathi, Eric Prebys and Emilija Pantic
Postdocs: Vincent Fisher, Leon Pickard, Luca Pagani
Ph.D. students: Teal Pershin, Julie He, Ben Schlitzer, Jyothisraj Johnson
UG students: Lena Marie Korkeila, Kyle Van Housen
Activities: Most of the activities will have activity sheets posted. Please read it before your scheduled activity and familiarize yourself with the material.
Forms: You will HAVE to fill in Volunteer Information form, CNL RUA form. Those will be distributed during the first day. Also, submit THIS briefing BEFORE going to the MNRC.
Required Clothing: Working in labs at UC Davis will require that you wear long pants and closed-toed shoes. Please remember to bring these with you. Other required Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) will be provided to you as needed.
Internet: There is a free wifi for UCD guest called ucd-guest. Connect to it and follow instructions. See more here Wifi guest info
Checking in at the Dorm: If you are staying in the dorm, please check the info in the recent email see also General info, Regulations, and Dining.
Checking in is on August 11th, 2019 at the Tercero Area Service Desk, starting at 4pm.
Parking: If you are driving to campus you must park in the visitor lots. The easiest is the Mondavi Parking Structure, which is about a ten-minute walk from the Physics Building (campus maps are available online). Note, you will need to get a parking pass from the machine each day.
UCD_Physics_MapTransportation: If you are flying into Sacramento, there is a convenient door-to-door shuttle called the Davis Airporter. Make a reservation in advance with the Davis Airporter. You can also take Uber or supper-shuttle. Davis is also served by the Amtrak Capitol Corridor line. It is about a 30-minute walk from the train station to the dorm through the downtown area.
NSSC Participants:
Local NSSC Participants:
Other participants:
International participants:
NSSC fellowship for school participation:
Teams and Schedule
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Neutron Activation Analysis – NAA1, NAA2, NAA3
The NAA 1 activity will take place in the clean part of room 385. Each team will prepare two samples, a “control” sample and a “liquid” sample. The NAA 2 activity will take place at the MNRC. Teams will be grouped by 2 (A&B and C&D). Each group will leave from the physics building and return to the physics building. The NAA 3 activity will take place in room 392 of the physics building. Two people per team will share a computer to analyze the data that was acquired during NAA 2.
Charge Particle Loss – Proton
Electronics intro – ELEC
Gamma-ray Detection with a High-Purity Germanium Detector – Gamma1, Gamma2, Gamma3
Basic characterization of PMT – PMT
Cosmic ray flux measurements – Muon
Basic characterization of SiPM – SiPM
Previous schools
NAT NSSC summer school is supported by